All Welcome - Sundays at 10:30 am

         "How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God; this is the gate of heaven." Genesis 28:17




Support Hillcrest United Church

Thank you for considering a donation to Hillcrest. We deeply appreciate the financial support of so many people in the community. There are a variety of ways to give to the work of the church.

Canada Helps

You can give through your credit card or debit card at our CanadaHelps webpage. Click on  the donate button to donate now.  If you think you might make more than one donation through CanadaHelps through the year, it might be helpful to create a Donor Account there to accumulate your donations for receipt purposes.


E-transfers can be sent through your online banking interac e-Transfer   

Cheque in the mail

Some people still like putting a cheque in the mail! Cheques should be made out to:
Hillcrest United Church

8958 Trafalgar Rd.

Georgetown, Ontario

L7G 4S5

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